Should citizens be concerned about Steven Barry?

The Truth Behind Barry's Record and Actions

What has Steven Barry really done for Escambia County?


FACT #1 - Lining His Pockets With Illegal Benefits

Republican Steven Barry first voted to give himself an additional annual perk on top of his almost $100,000 salary as a part-time elected official. Then Barry took over $54,000 extra a year personally from that vote. This gave Barry a 46% overall salary increase with over $200K in a lump sum. The Circuit Court ruled this scheme of his WAS ILLEGAL.

FACT #2 - Increased Local Property Taxes ELEVEN TIMES

Although he claims to be a fiscal conservative, Republican Steven Barry voted many years in a row to increase county budget spending by over 124% to $800 million. In that same time frame, he voted eleven times to increase property taxes on citizens and local businesses.

FACT #3 - Zero Transparency

Republican Steven Barry repeatedly limits citizen comments to two minutes at public meetings and regularly cancels them, so there is no opportunity for public input. During his three terms, Steven Barry held 87 “shade” meetings, not open to the public. Neighboring Santa Rosa County has not held such a meeting since 1986.

FACT #4 - No Citizen Input

Escambia County has completed multiple master development plans with true citizen input and feedback. However, Republican Steven Barry shelved those plans, instead pursuing under-the-table side negotiations with his favored developers, making his friends millions of dollars in taxpayer money in the process.

FACT #5 - In the Pocket of Big Real Estate Developers

In a recent report it was revealed Republican Steven Barry took tens of thousands of dollars from big developers. In fact, over half of Barry’s recent campaign contributions came from developers with projects he either voted on or will vote on. The report showed Barry also received significant funds from PACs and lobbyists.

FACT #6 - Helped Developers Circumvent Land Development Code

Republican Steven Barry was able to figure out a deal for his preferred real estate developer friends, circumventing the County’s open planning process to develop local farmers’ lands into big real estate projects.

FACT #7 - Voted to Illegally Sue Private Citizens

Republican Steven Barry repeatedly voted to illegally sue private citizens and employees over the course of several years. As a result, the county was left to pay over $9 Million of taxpayer dollars to settle these illegal and frivolous lawsuits.